WordPress Website Health Check

PLUS: 20-minute post-audit Zoom chat.

A fast, designed and working website will increase your Google rankings and attract more visitors. Is your website performing at its best?

Get your site health checked by a human WordPress expert.  

I'll audit your WordPress website, checking for common mistakes missed by developers and designers. 

The comprehensive site health check report includes issues with and fixes for:

Google Core Web Vitals Scores

Site Speed Grading - Make your website go faster!

SEO: Can Google index your site?

Security: Keep the hackers out

Google: Set up Analytics and Search Console

Backups: Checked and verified

Plugins: Current and unused

Theme Settings

WordPress Settings

Content Structure: H1, H2 etc

UX: User Experience

Bonus: 20-min post-audit Zoom chat with Wil

Sample Cover & ToC

The report is delivered as a PDF.

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

You are the correct person authorised to give access to the required systems.
This investment is non-refundable.
The WordPress website health check audit date will be set by mutual agreement.
A maximum of three audit date changes can be requested. Otherwise, the service is voided with no refund.
All login details must be supplied within one month of purchase. Otherwise, the service is voided with no refund.
I reserve the right to install and operate temporary plugins on your website to help complete the audit. These plugins will be removed after the audit.
During the audit, your website's speed and performance may be negatively affected.
The health check report identifies issues and suggests recommendations you can implement yourself or give to a WordPress professional.
Unless otherwise agreed, no additional work will be undertaken on your website during the health check process.
See my full Terms and Conditions for services at https://zeropointdevelopment.com/terms-and-conditions-services/
I agree
You opt-in to my weekly newsletter containing WordPress and business related information.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

WordPress Website Health Check+20 min post-audit Zoom chat.$497

Website Audit Includes:

Google Core Web Vitals

Site Speed Grading – Make your website go faster!

SEO: Can Google index your site?

Security: Keep the hackers out

Google: Set up Analytics and Search Console

PDF Audit Document

20-minute post-audit Zoom chat with Wil

  • Total payment
  • 1xWordPress Website Health Check$497

All prices in AUD